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Lisp Fragmentation: why some languages succeed where others fail
10 Dying Programming Languages In 2020 -Programming Languages You Need To Steer Clear Of|Simplilearn
Is Functional Programming DEAD Already?
Speedy intro to Varjo - The lisp to GLSL compiler behind CEPL
Jonathan Blow on scripting languages
Book review: "The Programming Language LISP: Its Operation and Applications" (1964)
Programming Throwdown #11 Lisp
Experience Report on Solving the Problem Set of SICP completely.
Intro to Macros in Common Lisp
Quick Common Lisp Tip: Use a Generic Function to generate the init args for #'make-instance #shorts
"Leveraging DSLs (Almost) for Free" by Alvin Cheung
FutureStack15: A Pattern Language for Microservices